Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Iota Eta Zeta: Busy Doves This Year

Iota Eta Zeta Chapter has hit the ground running and has been busy doing the work of Zeta. November 3rd marked IHZ's 4th annual casino night, The Royal Zee Games. The event is held every year at the conference center at Georgia Piedmont Technical College in Clarkston. The night includes Vegas style casino games, a DJ, buffet and a live prize auction to close out the evening. The event has become a big hit and this year was attended by over 150 guests. The Royal Zee Games is the primary fundraiser for IHZ's scholarship fund and allowed the chapter to award more than $3,500 in scholarships last year. Leading up to casino night, Sorors participated in two tailgating events to support the Atlanta Falcons and kick start the fundraising campaign.

The Sorors of IHZ kept their dove wings flying by participating in the grand opening event for the Hillandale Breast Center on October 28th. After 3 years of serving the women of DeKalb, Rockdale and Newton counties, the center received funding for an expansion and the ladies of IHZ were there to help them celebrate.
The IHZ youth auxillaries have also stayed on a busy trail. Their theme for this year is “Her Story: Building a Legacy.” This year's events are designed to ignite and engage the girls to impact their local and global community. The girls kicked off this year's theme with "Planting a Legacy: Tree Planting Project" at Lithonia Park in partnership with the Dekalb County Office of Natural Resources, Park Pride and Trees of Atlanta. Thirteen girls (Pearlettes, Amicettes and Archonettes), 7 Sorors, and 2 mommies planted baby water hickory and bald cypress trees, shoveled mulch, and did litter control.

Article Submitted by Soror Symone Morris