Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Upon untiring and relentless efforts to locate an appropriate as well as resourceful facility in the community, after several long months of negotiating, Dr. Alice Hinsley, our President proudly informed us that Stork's Nest was about to be reopened again.  Epsilon Zeta Chapter, celebrated the re-opening of the Stork's Nest in June, 2016.  The ceremony took place at the Fulton County Adamsville Health Center expanding the prenatal program within the Atlanta area.

The Stork's Nest Coordinator, Soror Kathryn Hargro assisted by Felicia Mebane and steering committee of Epsilon Zeta Chapter are on the move!  Successive Prenatal Education Sessions for the Stork's Nest sponsored by Epsilon Zeta have been since the beginning of the new sorority year 2016 at the Regional Health Center. Additionally, medical staff at Adamsville Health Center supported us by recommending clients, teaching classes, and facilitating a modern/spacious classroom for our sessions in addition to housing our Nest.

Epsilon Zeta received positive feedback from our ten graduates and volunteer teachers.  Thanks to the Center and Epsilon Zeta Chapter for a successful program.

The Stork's Nest Program was created by Soror Evelyn Brown, Epsilon Zeta Chapter and in 1972 the National Sorority officially adopted the project.

Epsilon Zeta Chapter Stork's Nest Committee Members. L. to R. Mary Greene, Pearl Logan, Kathryn Hargroo, Z-HOPE chair, Alice Hinsley, Basileus, Caroline Terry, Averett Shannon and Delphine Reese.  ZPB donates fans to acknowledge Zeta Prematurity Awareness Program (ZPAP).  Each Stork's Nest client received a fan in November which is Prematurity Awareness Month.