Tuesday, November 1, 2016

“Kaptivating” Kappa Iota Zeta - Zeta Day of Service

On Saturday, November 5, 2016, the  Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc “Kaptivating” Kappa Iota Zeta Chapter (KIZ) implemented an East Point/Atlanta KIZ take over.  This year on our annual service day, Kappa Iota Zeta provided services to help with the military, youth, and the Stork’s Nest.

November 1st marked the National Family Literacy Day.  During the month of November, there are many events which are held at schools, libraries and other literacy organizations.  The scholars of KIZ volunteered their time to participate in a literacy lock- in with students of varying grade levels at Asa Hilliard Elementary School. This event was called “Read with Me Z”.  The sisters of KIZ formed individual groups of students to read books aloud and ask various comprehension questions to keep the students engaged and to help improve their reading comprehension. The students rotated to different readers depending on their grade level.  

The students also had the opportunity to fellowship with friends while enjoying a healthy snack.  According an article written by Caitrin Blake at Concordia University in Portland, Oregon, there is a strong correlation between the foods students consume daily and their performance.  It is important that the youth in the community understands the importance of a healthy snack.  

The finer women of KIZ also went to the Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center to serve in there call center.  Directed by call center supervisors, the sisters of KIZ were given a list of veterans to contact.  They called the Veterans to encourage them to keep their necessary appointments.  During the service day the sisters of KIZ had the opportunity to meet the VA’s new Director, Annette P. Walker, who expressed her appreciation for the sorority giving of their time to assist the veterans. 

Lastly, the sisters of KIZ’s Storks Nest served at the Georgia Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Fall Festival and Resource Fair.  The community participants were invited to attend the Fall Festival along with the National Director of Storks Nest, Soror Joanne Patterson, and the State of Georgia Parliamentarian, Soror Vickie Pearson.  The festival education families on eating healthy while we education on the Stork’s Nest.  Families were given samples of fruits, vegetables, and healthy snacks to reinforce what was learned.