'Beautiful' Beta Iota Chapter has been active in making a change in the West
End community and AUC community as soon as we returned from summer break. In
September, we focused on Voter Registration and Voter Education. We partnered
with our Student Government Association to register approximately 1,000
students to vote in the upcoming election. Additionally, our school hosts an
event called Market Friday where vendors sell items to students and campus
visitors. They also allow student organizations to host tables as well. We gave out information of how to prepare for Election Day and what a person
needs to do in order to be able to vote. We also gave information to those who
were not yet registered and helped them find where to get an absentee ballot if
they were registered at home and did not want to change their residence to
Spelman College. On that day, we reached approximately 70 people who were
willing to stop and get the information. We are very adamant about voting, not
only in the presidential election, but for local, state and any others. We want
to see a change in our community so we need to make sure that those who are
elected need to be for all people and not biased. #GETEngaged #SpelmanZetas'