On Saturday
November 15th, following the chapter meeting and a Stork’s Nest
class, POZ expanded its reach even more by inducting twenty-five young ladies
as Amicettes. What an exciting day! How precious the young ladies looked all
decked out in navy and white reciting the induction information. The ceremony concluded with each Amicette
receiving a certificate, a lapel pin, a tulip bulb and their first service
projects; delivering Christmas cards to the adopted Eldercare facility and
planting their tulip bulbs. A reception
followed. The Amicettes will also attend
a Newton High (the adopted school) basketball game, donned in their
T-shits. A special thank you goes to the
mentor chapters, Iota Eta Zeta and Alpha Alpha Kappa Zeta.
As if Saturday’s activities were not enough to fill a
weekend, on Sunday November 16th following the Prematurity Awareness
Program at Bethlehem Baptist Church, POZ launched an Amicae Auxiliary with five
charter members. The SE Regional
Director, Dr. Felicia Scott-Strickland, lead the induction and chartering
ceremonies, which was followed by officer installations and a gift-sharing
The charter members are:
President – Kathy
Vice-President -
Christine Terrell
Secretary -
Tameka Smith
Treasurer, Assistant Secretary & Chaplin - Angela Merrit
Treasurer -
Gwendolyn Penn
Their first
objective is to assign an Amica to partner with the ZHOPE coordinator to help facilitate
initiatives. The Georgia State Director,
Soror Shaneesa Ashford, the Immediate Past SE Regional Director, Soror Chrislyn
Turner and Amicae from across Georgia and South Carolina traveled to Covington
to share this special day.